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Deanna's Family Cookbook Capturing the tastes of our family history

My Story From Puerto Rico to Norway

Growing up I enjoyed many family recipes that were not the norm for the kids around me.  As an adult, I saw that my family tree (and my husband) brought together a fantastic mix of cuisines that I wanted to capture for my kids.  This site is the result of that journey.

Dad grew up Puerto Rican and his stepmom was German.  Later in life, he learned he was adopted which opened up a deep connection to Midwest and back to Ireland and the British Isles.  His mom was Mexican from Baja.  Mom had Germanic and Scandinavian influence while my hubby has English and Scottish.  As you bring all these great cuisines together you have a culinary journey that demands that your taste buds be ready to experience new heights.  Join me as I capture our family’s kitchen history.

Deviled Eggs
Helping Mom

Tasteful Recipes The Perfect Blend

Musings Non recipe thoughts